If you watch the pundits on Fox, listen to the Tea Partiers, or hear Republicans open their mouth during the campaign season, it is very likely that you will hear this common sentiment: "Socialism is EEEEVILLLLL." The logic they use is simple enough: Marx was a socialist. Communism has its roots in Marxian philosophy. Communism is BAD. Therefore, socialism is bad. This is a major criticism of Obama. "He's a Socialist!" But I believe all that is hogwash, and let me tell you why.
"Socialism" is NOT a system of government. Communism is. I agree that Communism is not the best system of government. Heck, I even agree with the generalized sentiment: "Communism is bad." It is too much government. It is too little personal freedom. Socialism is not Communism. Socialism is simply the government using its resources to serve the public. Think about it: The Post Office- Socialism. Public Education- Socialism. National Parks- Socialism. Medicare, Medicaid, Social Security, Department Of Transportation... I can go on and on, but you get my point. Are you glad you can mail a letter across the country for 40someting cents? Are you glad Yellowstone National Park is not a multi-billion dollar profiteering enterprise? Are you glad you get to drive on our Interstate Highway System without paying a toll every few miles? Are you glad that every child in this country at least has the chance to get an education, regardless of their social-economic class? If you answered yes to any of these questions, you are a socialist. And, according to the Republicans, you are evil. I am not saying that all forms of socialism are good. I am simply saying they are not all evil, as the Republicans would have you believe. It is ok to suggest and implement ways that the government can better serve the public. You are not evil for doing so.
On the other hand, we have the opposite if socialism: Capitalism. Capitalism, Republicans are quick to tell you, is awesome! Wholesome. American. Freedom-promoting. Godly. Republicans hate government infringements on capitalism. The less the government tries to mettle in business, they argue, the faster the economy will grow, the stronger the economy will be, the more free we all are. They want to get back to a free market, with little-to-no government oversight. They want the government to "get off our backs!" But, they are quick to forget history. When this country was founded, the economy was designed exactly the way they want it to work now: businesses had total freedom to make their own decisions, without the government being "on their backs." However, this economy created a very small wealthy class, a very small middle class, and a HUGE lower class. The majority of Americans were living in poverty. 1% of the population had 95% of the wealth. This was no surprise. We are a greedy people. It wasn't until Teddy Roosevelt fought for government oversight and better pay for workers did conditions improve. After that, the middle class exploded in population. It was government oversight (socialism) that made it possible for the Average Joe to earn a livable wage and created the middle class as we know it today. In the years that follow, more regulations were passed. Each one designed to help the middle class get a larger share of the profits.
Don't get me wrong. I am not saying capitalism is evil. I believe rich people have the right to be rich. We have the right to start a business, be successful, and earn all the money we can. Free markets mean free people. I really believe that. But if we do not attempt to regulate some of the rules regarding our economy, we will digress back to the unbalanced class system of our past. In other words: without some socialism, pure capitalism is not what is best for this country.
To sum it all up, I am saying this: the Capitalism vs. Socialism Debate is not as simple as Republicans make it out to be. It shouldn't even a debate! It takes elements of both to have the society we all want. But Republicans have succeeded in dumbing-down this important discourse to a good versus evil dialogue, thus making their base afraid of government. As a result, we can't have an honest debate about healthcare reform, banking regulations, or anything else without getting labeled as "evil" or "un-American" for disagreeing with a Republican principle. They have made "socialism" a dirty word.
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